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Highlighted Publications from our team:
- Original research:
Ravasio A, Cheddadi I, Chen T, Pereira T, Ong HT, Bertocchi C, Brugues A, Jacinto A, Kabla AJ, Toyama Y, Trepat X, Gov N, Almeida L, Ladoux B. Mechanical coupling between purse-string and cell crawling regulates epithelial gap closure. Nature Communications. 2015 Jul 9; 6:7683. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8683.
Bertocchi C, Wang Y, Ravasio A, Wu Y, Sailov T, Baird MA, Davidson MW, Zaidel-Bar R, Ladoux B, Mege RM, and Kanchanawong P. Nanoscale architecture of cadherin-based cell adhesions. Nature Cell Biology. 2017 Jan; 19(1): 28-37.
Reig G, Cerda M, Sepúlveda N, Flores D, Castañeda V, Tada M, Härtel S, Concha ML. Extra-embryonic tissue spreading directs early embryo morphogenesis in killifish. Nat Commun. 2017 Jun 5; 8:15431. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15431.
Pereiro L., Loosli F., Fernández J., Hartel S., Wittbrodt J., Concha M.L. Gastrulation in an annual killifish: molecular and cellular events during germ layer formation in Austrolebias. Dev Dyn 2017 doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24496.
Timothy J. Rudge, Fernán Federici, Paul J. Steiner, Anton Kan, and Jim Haseloff. Cell Polarity-Driven Instability Generates Self-Organized, Fractal Patterning of Cell Layers. ACS Synth. Biol. 2013, 2, 12, 705–714.
- Reviews:
Vedula SR, Ravasio A, Lim CT, Ladoux B. Collective Cell Migration: A mechanistic perspective. Physiology. 2013 Nov;28(6):370-9
Reig G, Pulgar E, and Concha ML. (2014) Cell migration: from tissue culture to embryos. Development 141:1999-2013.
Project Publications:
Joy-Immediato M, Ramirez RM, Cerda M, Toyama Y, Ravasio A, Kanchanawong P and Bertocchi C. Junctional ER organization affects mechanotransduction at cadherin-mediated adhesions. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. – Cell Adhesion and Migration doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.669086. Manuscript Id: 669086 (https://www.frontiersin.org/
Hernández-Cáceres MP, Munoz L, Pradena J, Pena F, Lagos Munoz P, Aceiton P, Owen GI, Morselli E, Ravasio A*, and Bertocchi C*. Mechanobiology of autophagy: the unexplored side of cancer. Front Oncol. 2021; 11:632956. eCollection 2021 (https://www.frontiersin.org/
Bertocchi C, Rudge T, Ravasio A. Scanning angle interference microscopy (SAIM): acquisition, analysis and biological applications. CRC book: Methods in Signal Transduction series – volume: New Techniques for Studying Biomembranes (DOI: 10.1201/9780429461385).
Hernández-Cáceres MP, Cerceda K, Hernandez S, Li Y, Narro C, Rivera P, Silva P, Ávalos Y, Jara C, Burgos P, Toledo L, Lagos P, Cifuentes F, Yu L, Perez-Leighton C, Bertocchi C, Clegg D, Criollo A, Tapia C, Burgos P, Morselli E. Palmitic acid reduces the autophagic flux in hypothalamic neurons by impairing autophagosome-lysosome fusion and endolysosomal dynamics. Molecular and Cellular Oncology 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1080/23723556.2020.1789418).
Rojas N, Rudge TJ, Cerda M, Ravasio A. Cohesive energy and interaction of superparamagnetic aggregates. AIP Advances. 2020.